About Miriam

Lay down your struggles and wash away your obligations in the calm, comfortable haven of Miriam's Well therapeutic massage. You are supposed to be here, by the gentle waters of Mansfield Hollow Lake, finding cleansing, relaxation, and healing.
Miriam, owner and Licensed Massage Therapist, graduated from the Connecticut Center For Massage Therapy in August of 2015. She opened Miriam's Well shortly thereafter, also becoming certified in pregnancy massage, including labor and postpartum recovery.
As a young woman, Miriam spent nine years in the Air Force finding her inner strength. Since then she has hiked many mountains, spending many long nights in deep contemplation under the stars. Her experience in theatre, including acting and radio performance, has given her the confidence to find the path to her dreams.
Miriam has been a devoted wife and mother for 20 years, spending her days giving her heart to the people and animals that make her little farm home. Dealing with her own chronic pain and wanting to alleviate that of those around her has drawn her to a love of massage.
Sharing this love in a tangible way has become her goal. To help you feel good physically and emotionally has become her purpose. Giving to those who give so much of themselves has become her joy.
There are discounts available to teachers and military personnel, to say thank you for all that you do. Volume discounts are available as well to help make massage with Miriam affordable.
Lay down, close your eyes, and let Miriam's Well help you heal.